Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Perils of Twitter

So I joined Twitter at the end of October I have had my account suspended twice for my nipple licking avi pic.. damn you Twitter! So much for freedom of expression! I digress, bitching about that wasn't my point here. But I joined Twitter since I needed a break from real life. Facebook was boring the hell out of me because most of those people I really know. To those people, to my family and real life friends, I am a very different person.

I'm easy going but can also be a drama queen. I'm fun and funny, and people look at me like I'm the girl next door. I don't look like the slut I am (or pretend to be - you'll never know! ha!) on Twitter. My real life people would be shocked to see me here. Well most of them. My two best friends know how I am and love me for me. But the rest of the world judges. So I am who I am in real life. And I am who I am on Twitter. Does any of that even make sense?

So as I was saying, I joined Twitter for something "fun". And fun it's been. But holy crap, has it ever taken over my life. I am always on Twitter, checking it, being a smart ass, a slut, whatever I feel like being at the time. And my poor family gets no attention anymore! Oops! But as I've said before, it's time for ME to be happy and look after myself for once. I've been a wife and a mom for so long that I've lost myself. This is FOR ME!

I now feel like my real life is my break from Twitter.

I've met some wonderful people on Twitter, some who I genuinely care about. Others are fucking creeps. Most are perverted, and that's good, since I TOTALLY am. LOL! But that's ok. And there is a lot of drama on Twitter. Not just drama for me personally, but I've seen friends with broken hearts. It's easy to make a connection on line. It really is.

Can these connections make it and survive in person? Hard to say. There always seems to be distance involved in most of the "relationships" that I've developed and seen develop with other people. Are we different on Twitter than we are in real life? Probably. Twitter is a game for many.

My Twitter persona now is more me then it was a month ago. This is the real me. I'm a smart ass and I'm a huge flirt. When I make a connection with someone, it's for real. At least I think. And hope.

I really babble. Holy crap. In my mind I know what I want to say, but then I end up typing and it all just comes out. And I don't care ;). It's MY blog and I'll babble if I want. Live with it :).

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