Thursday, December 23, 2010


And then there are the men of twitter. Some pretty fucking fantastic. Argghhh.


  1. Ah the men of twitter...some of them are fucking hot!!! =)

  2. Any men in particular???

  3. I'm responding to a tweet, here because it's toooo long to put in 140 characters. I hope you'll forgive me.

    Your Jenny McCarthy statement .. I agree 100% .. my thoughts on the matter .. my son was diagnosed at age 2 with autism.He scored very high on the Childhood Autistic Rating Scale ... he appeared autistic, acted autistic .. I talked to parents of autistic children and it made sense. I talked to the neurologists/psychologists and it made sense. I read about autism and it made sense. Then I looked at my son and it made no sense.
    When he was 8, we moved therapy clinics on the recommendation of a friend parenting 3 children with autism.
    They started treating my son for Sensory Integration Syndrome and slowly, but so surely, the 'autism' started to fade.
    In his last IEP at age 18, his strengths were mentioned as 'social skills and strong leadership skills' ..certainly no 'autism left'

    Jenny M swears her child was 'cured' of autism ..yet her son recieved similar therapies as mine .. and has had similar results.

    I refuse to insult parents of autistic children by saying that my child was 'cured' .. my child was 'appropriately misdiagnosed' as autistic (it was appropriate and led us to the treatment for the real disorders .. sensory integration and auditory as well as visual processing disorder and dyspraxia)

    Anyway, you probably didn't need all that information ..but that's my take on why her child has been 'cured' .. and it annoys me that she touts it as a cure!

    PS .. I'm @Peggikaye on twitter
